Welcome to E-GS

This website has been designed by a team of Guidance Counsellors, teachers and software engineers from around Europe with the intention of providing students with the necessary resources to enable them to achieve success in their academic lives.

What you can expect

The website consists of a sequence of assessments. Each assessment targets specific elements necessary for effective learning. The student completes each assessment and receives a report and feedback with suggestions to help them reach their academic potential. There are 10 assessments in all. They are:

  • Study skills
  • Academic Anxiety
  • Academic motivation
  • Academic self regulation
  • Career decision making
  • Goal setting
  • Limiting thinking patterns
  • Positive thinking
  • Study habits
  • Time Management

How to use the webiste

Follow the link for the assessments and click on the one you wish to take. Each assessment takes a few minutes to complete and we recommend you take your time to ensure the report is helpful to you.

How to understand the results

The results and feedback are instantaneous. Each report will provide you with a summary of your strengths and weaknesses in relation to that particular area. You will be offered helpful suggestions via video and also text to help you improve your academic skills. A pdf will be provided for you to keep and share with your teacher or counsellor.