

IES MIGUEL DE CERVANTES, is a High School with approximately 85 workers, all of them Civil Servants, working in three stages of education:

  1. Secondary education - four classes at each level - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
  2. Further education - A levels in the fields of arts, social science, Science and technology - four classes at each level
  3. Higher education - A Vocational training course in the field of tourism and socio-cultural animation
The total number of students at school is 800 hundred. 480 Lower Secondary Level, 260 Further Level, and 60 High Level. Our International Team has about 25 teachers managing different international Projects: Erasmus+, Languages Exchanges, IB System application.



YAŞAR ACAR FEN LİSESİ is a public project based school located in Beylikdüzü which is 25 km far to the city center.

There are 17 classrooms, a laboratory, an ICT room, a library, a science lab, a sports hall, a conference hall, and a dormitory. There are 37 teachers and 3 administrative staff. Vision of our school is to raise people who are aware of science and technology, accept learning as a basic need, innovative, respectful to different aspects of values, tolerant, well –behaved, self-confident, modern.

Our mission is to educate and prepare the students with a high level of mathematical intelligence to the universities, educating qualified scientists for the future. We are aiming to make our students use new technology, make new projects, be good at searching skills and have a good level of foreign language to follow all the developments in science and technology.



ZAVO is a secondary school offering general, technical and vocational education. It is a fairly large school with more than 1900 pupils and over 250 staff members with 1 general director, 4 campus directors and 1 technical director.

Our school consists of 3 campuses located in Zaventem, a municipality in the Flemish periphery around Brussels. ZAVO has a wide range of study areas in science and technology as well as in trade and economics, sports, ICT and the social sector.

ZAVO believes in the potential of these students and wants to increase the intrinsic motivation to learn, both in students and in teachers. We offer our students a learning environment that is welcoming and open; our students have an open view of the world and a broader view of their own competences.

Our mission is to provide general, technical and vocational education to young people in order to increase qualified labor force that meets regional and national needs as well as current technological developments. After all, ZAVO stands for Caring, Authentic, Progressive Education



COFAC is a non-profit cooperative, responsible for the management of Lusófona University, recognised by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education in 1998, and is the largest private university in Portugal, integrating 10 HEI in Portugal, Brazil, Cape Verde, Mozambique and Guinea- Bissau.

It has a student body of more than 10.000 students and 1500 teachers and it is structured around 9 (nine) Schools that constitute the main institutional unit and offer 44 undergraduate Degrees, 45 Master Degrees, 11 PhD’s programs and 42 Post- graduation courses. Besides this, the university offers a large number of vocational and continuous training courses according to the life-learning development paradigm.

The University has a large experience in research and project management of European and international projects.



BEYLIKDÜZÜ COUNSELLING AND RESEARCH CENTER is a public and non-profit state organization that supports the development of individuals with psychological counselling, guidance and special education services and contributes to the field of profession with research and development studies. It was founded in 2004 and is located in Beylikduzu, Istanbul.

There are six guidance specialists, five special education specialists and two civil servants at our institution. Our institution Belikdüzü RAM consists of two units, the Special Education and Guidance Department. We organize training activities for our colleagues working in the district in order to closely monitor the new developments in the field of Special Education and Guidance Services in recent years and academics are invited and many meetings are held with different universities in our district. The education service offered to the parents or students applying to our Counselling and Research Center is carried out in accordance with the national standards in the appointment system. We have a psychosocial and district crisis team formed in our district to immediately intervenes in the events like traumatic experiences such as Sexual Abuse, Violence and Aggression. With the help of Home Education Service, students are evaluated from their homes before they come to our Center and receive education services appropriate to their academic and age levels at their homes. Our center identifies individuals who will benefit from Special Education and Rehabilitation Centers and issuing an Educational Evaluation Report. The Department of Guidance Services mainly works on psychological counselling, preference counselling, vocational studies, and is responsible for the training and coordination of the guidance teachers in the province.



KILLINARDEN COMMUNITY SCHOOL is a post primary school located in Tallaght, a short distance from Dublin city centre. It is a co-educational school and offers a wide variety of programmes to enable students to achieve their potential. The student cohort is aged between 13-18 and at the end of the post-primary school experience the students sit the Leaving certificate exams or the Leaving Certificate Applied exams to enable them to attend 3rd level courses or Apprenticeships. There are 500 students in the school and 56 members of staff.

The school is committed to providing an inclusive learning environment, enabling students to achieve their full potential. There is a strong focus on pastoral care and the school offers a variety of activities, workshops and interventions to equip our students with the skills required to live a fulfilled, successful life. We are one of only 30 schools in the country to have a library with a fully qualified full-time librarian and a well-stocked library, known as a JCSP library.